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General Scholarship Information

Scholarships are awarded for the duration. It is our expectation that all scholarship holders will maintain academic standards appropriate to those of a scholarship holder, and standards of conduct and application of the highest order. It is assumed scholarship holders will involve themselves actively in the life of the College, to fulfil representation opportunities as required, and at all times support the general standards of the College.

  • Year 7 Academic Scholarships – several each year (new and current students)
  • Year 7 Music Scholarships - several each year (new and current students)
  • Year 11 Academic Scholarship – 1 per annum (new students only)
  • Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence - up to 2 each year (new and current students)
  • Coradine Scholarship – 1 per annum (new student only)
  • Goodlet Legacy Junior School Music Scholarship – 1 per annum (new and current students) currently in Years 3, to entry Year 4
  • Year 8 – Year 11 Music Scholarship – 1 per annum (for new students only)

The Principal's Scholarship of Excellence.  As part of this application you will be required to submit a portfolio highlighting her excellence in sporting and/or cultural pursuits.

Most of the PLC Sydney scholarship positions are finalised by the end of Term 1 (other than the Bursaries, Indigenous and Goodlet scholarships). We receive results of the ACER testing in early March each year and successful applicants are contacted the following week for interviews. 

The scholarship contract expects you to repay the funds to the value of the tuition fees that would otherwise have been incurred. This is because those who donate expect a long-term commitment to the cohort.

How to Apply

All students applying for the Year 7 ACER Academic Scholarship must sit the ACER examination.  

The ACER examination does not apply to other year groups eg. Year 7 Music Scholarships, Year 8 - 11 Music Scholarships.  There is no academic testing for other scholarships however you are required to include your daughter’s past 2 years of school reports and most recent NAPLAN as part of the application process.

  • Year 7 ACER Academic Scholarships must complete BOTH the PLC Scholarship Application (online) and the ACER registration.
  • Indigenous Scholarships:
    a) Coradine Scholarship applicants must submit a PLC Sydney Scholarship Application Form (online) and a Coradine Scholarship Application Form (download from the website) with supporting documentation.
    b) AIEF applicants must submit both a PLC Sydney Application Form (online) and an AIEF Scholarship Application Form (download from the website) with supporting documentation.
  • For all other scholarships, complete the PLC Sydney Scholarship Application.
  • Please ensure all the relevant supporting documents are attached, as specified on the application pages of the specific scholarships

There is a fee of $150 payable to ACER for the Year 7 ACER Academic Scholarships only. This is payable directly to ACER when you register for your daughter to sit the examination.

There is no application fee for other scholarships.

For all new students, to accept a Scholarship you will be required to pay the non-refundable Application Fee of $440 and non-refundable Enrolment Fee of $3175. Please note Scholarships cover tuition fees only.

Yes. All applicants are required to provide full documentation.

You do not need to contact the school. We do not contact applicants prior to the scholarship closing date. After the closing date, ONLY applicants that are shortlisted will be contacted to arrange interview dates and times.

ACER Scholarships: After the closing date, we will write to each applicant to acknowledge receipt of application and to provide details of the ACER testing for those applying for the ACER scholarships. ALL applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application once scholarship places have been offered and accepted.

All Scholarship Applications require the submission of Australian Birth Certificate/Australian Citizenship documentation, 2 most recent school reports and most recent Naplan. Additional documents are as specified within each Scholarship Application.

The following scholarships closed at midnight on Wednesday 5 February 2025 at midnight.

  • Year 7 ACER Academic Scholarship
  • Year 7 Music Scholarship
  • Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence
  • Year 11 Academic Scholarship
  • Year 8-11 Music Scholarship

The remaining scholarships ie Boarding and Foundation Bursaries, plus the AIEF (Indigenous) Scholarships, close in May of the year prior to entry.

Music Scholarships

  • Perform two contrasting pieces on her chosen instrument. If she has a second instrument, she may be requested to play one extra piece on the second instrument. Voice may be used as a second instrument.
  • Answer questions based on aural tests at instrument level.
  • Sight read music on her chosen instrument.
  • Sing a small folk song or short song unaccompanied.

Music Scholarship auditions will be held in early to mid March.

Year 7 Music Scholarship

  • Strings - Violin Grade VI, Viola or Cello Grade V, Double Bass Grade III
  • Brass/Woodwind - 1 or 2 years prior school tuition in Bassoon, Oboe, French Horn or Tuba, Grade II or III
  • All other Brass/Woodwind instruments: Grade III

Please note that Scholarships are not available for Voice, Piano or Harp as first instruments.

Year 8 – Year 11 Music Scholarship

  • Strings: Double Bass Grade V – VI
  • Brass/Woodwind: Bassoon, Oboe, French Horn, or Tuba suggested Grade V

PLC Sydney Music scholars are assessed continuously throughout the year and are expected to participate fully in the Music program offered at PLC Sydney.

Students who gain a scholarship are required to:

  • Participate in the full music program offered at PLC Sydney.
  • Participate in at least two ensembles at the College and to commit to all required performances for these ensembles throughout the year.
  • Mentor other students and show leadership and initiative.
  • Fully participate in the Elective Music Program from Years 9-12.
  • Music Scholars are also required to perform regularly, both solo and ensemble, in concerts out of school hours.
  • Selected scholars may be invited to join a Chamber Music Ensemble.

ACER Scholarships General Questions

This varies from year to year. College Council sets an overall percentage. How that is divided each year shifts according to the quality of the applications.  Scholarships are offered at the discretion of the Principal.

Some of our scholarships are means-tested, however as part of the application, we will ask both parents to provide their last two notices of assessment so we may determine household income. Scholarships at PLC Sydney are awarded on a merit-based framework yet we will also strive to assist girls from lower socio-economic backgrounds.

This varies from year to year. As a guide, we usually have between 150-200 applicants.

The ACER Academic Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic merit. We review the results of the ACER testing as this provides a common form of assessment. We do look at the student’s capacity to communicate with others and their willingness to engage at the interview.

The value of each scholarship is at the discretion of the Principal. They cover 50%, 66%, 75% and occasionally 100% of the academic fees. Scholarships do not cover textbooks, uniforms, excursions, technology fees, individual subject fees or boarding fees.

It is our expectation that all scholarship holders will maintain academic standards appropriate to those of a scholarship holder, and standards of conduct and application of the highest order.  It is assumed scholarship holders will involve themselves actively in the life of the College, to fulfil representation opportunities as required, and at all times support the general standards of the College. Music scholarships and the Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence scholarships have expectations in regard to commitment to College activities.

The scholarship contract expects you to repay the funds to the value of the tuition fees that would otherwise have been incurred. This is because those who donate expect a long-term commitment to the cohort.

She is expected to do her best. We support her in her learning.

Scholarships are awarded for Year 7 to Year 12.

Each applicant is assessed on her own academic merit.

Successful applicants will be contacted in early- mid-March by telephone.

Scholarships are not means tested. Bursaries are means tested.

If a scholarship is offered, written acceptance of the scholarship must be accompanied by a completed PLC Sydney Enrolment Agreement, along with payment of the non-refundable registration fee of $440 and the non-refundable PLC Sydney Enrolment Fee of $3 175 (for external applicants only).

Yes - families will be invited to attend an interview. Interviews will be held in early-mid March

Yes - on occasions we do.

Yes - we write to all families at the conclusion of the interviews to notify the outcome of your daughter’s application.

You will receive an email from ACER to your nominated email address with details on how to access your daughter’s results. This will be sent in mid-March.

We do not hold offers open indefinitely. You will be required to provide your decision within weeks of receiving the offer.

Scholarships are open to Australian Permanent Residents only. You will be required to provide documentation supporting your daughter’s Australian residency. 

The ACER scholarships are open to all students and are awarded on academic merit. It makes no difference if she is a current student, enrolled to commence in a future year or not enrolled.

The Principal has a set amount of funds to distribute. He does this following a fair criteria.

Yes - please contact our Enrolments office to arrange this.

Music Scholarships Questions

The Testing Day

You will receive an email after the applications close date with details about the meeting time and other arrangements for the test day.

You will receive an email after the applications close date with details about the collection time and other arrangements for the test day.

Your daughter should bring the following on the testing day:

  • two (2) blue or black pens for the written expression section of the test
  • two (2) HB or B pencils for the multiple-choice tests
  • an eraser

Note that smartwatches must not be brought into the examination room; mobile phones are to be put on silent and placed on the desk.

  • Morning tea

School uniform is not required. She should wear comfortable clothing.

There are 4 tests:

  • Test 1: Written Expression (extended response, 25 minutes)
  • Test 2: Humanities – Comprehension and Interpretation (multiple choice, 40 minutes)
  • Test 3: Mathematics (multiple choice, 40 minutes)
  • Test 4: Written Expression (extended response, 25 minutes)