Cate Yuen wins top prize at Eureka Awards
05 Sep 2024
Open to the public, the Gallery has an annual calendar of events comprising exhibitions of student work and exhibitions featuring professional Australian artists.
View Gallery WebsiteOur vibrant Ex-Students community supports lasting friendships that connect ‘PLC Sydney girls’ across the country and around the world. Stay connected with events, professional networks, read other graduate stories and more.
View Ex-Students WebsiteMaximising your child's learning potential with our student extension, enrichment and support program—one of the longest running in Australia. Your children will build their self-confidence, resilience, engagement and academic performance.
Visit The Futures CentreDesigned to support your child’s transition to school, we aim to ignite your child’s curiosity, extend their unique interests and build on the foundations for their love of learning. View our beautiful, purpose-built centre—indoor and outdoor environments designed and adapted to strengthen a child’s natural curiosity and excite inquisitive minds.
View PLC Sydney Preschools WebsiteOpen to the public, the Gallery has an annual calendar of events comprising exhibitions of student work and exhibitions featuring professional Australian artists.
Visit the Gallery WebsiteOur vibrant Ex-Students community supports lasting friendships that connect ‘PLC Sydney girls’ across the country and around the world. Stay connected with events, professional networks, read other graduate stories and more.
View Ex-Students InformationMaximising your child's learning potential with our student extension, enrichment and support program—one of the longest running in Australia. Your children will build their self-confidence, resilience, engagement and academic performance.
Visit Futures @ PLC Sydney InformationDesigned to support your child’s transition to school, we aim to ignite your child’s curiosity, extend their unique interests and build on the foundations for their love of learning. View our beautiful, purpose-built centre—indoor and outdoor environments designed and adapted to strengthen a child’s natural curiosity and excite inquisitive minds.
View PLC Sydney Preschools InformationThe Second Hand Uniform Shop is run by The Parents’ & Friends’ Association and provides the opportunity for current and incoming parents to sell and purchase good quality second-hand uniforms at a reduced price.
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is located at the ground level of the J.D Oates Aquatic Centre.
Current and incoming parents have the opportunity to buy great quality second-hand uniforms as a means of cost-saving and service to our community. Parents can also donate uniforms their daughters have outgrown, or no longer need once they have finish school.
Parents at the College are informed about regular second-hand uniform sales via their portal.
To find out more, please contact the Second-hand Uniform Co-ordinator:
Second-hand Uniform Co-ordinator